When your main hustle is surprising humans, there are inevitably surprises in store for you too. Sunday was one such occasion.

A singing telegram booking agent texted me: “Are you available to serenade a 12 year-old girl today?”

Upon confirming my availability, said agent asked for age/gender appropriate song suggestions. Taylor Swift maybe?

The bday gram booked. And the recipient got an instant sex change – she was now a he. And his name was allegedly Zaddy, a name I'd only encountered in the context of age gap flirtation.

Zaddy (noun): a sexually attractive man, especially an older one who is fashionable or charismatic

Two adult males were standing outside the delivery location as I pulled into the complex. I parked on the street and unloaded my guitar, iPad and music stand. Dressed to the nines in my go-to tuxedo, I sauntered up to the “My Two Dads” duo.

If what's left of my memory serves, the man on the left thanked me for coming. I assumed that the adolescent recipient was waiting inside. “This is my 12 year-old son,” he said, motioning to the beer-drinking man standing beside him.

Role play: it's not just for singing telegram artists. Recipients can play too.